The steering feedback is crazy! It's an unstable situation, not anything at all like hopping in your car, locking the steering wheel and running in reverse on a big field. If you can't imagine it, go to the store, turn a cart (trolley) backwards, and try pushing it. Consider pulling a shopping cart (trolley) from the front versus pushing it from the front. TURN.LSP is like driving a slot car or shopping cart (trolley). I see what you mean by “jack-knife”, but in terms of a truck backing up is this accurate? Darcy Yes. The output looks sort of weird so I’m unsure. Then I essentially left the vehicle where it “stopped” and ran the program again on a path that would represent the truck backing into the space. I’ve created an SU-30 truck and I ran the path forward. Tom Haws 19:15, 16 March 2009 (UTC) I’m slightly confused on doing the reverse path. Darcy Consider the invitation extended, folks.
Tom Haws 18:06, 16 March 2009 (UTC) Absolutely! There are a lot of firm’s out there like us who would prefer to use a program like turn.lsp rather than forking out $1500+ for a swept path software that we’ll only use a few times per year. I need programming help!!!! If you know any young CAD-sters who want to learn AutoLISP, send them my way! The pay is heavenly. Tom Haws 18:06, 16 March 2009 (UTC) Also, I am working (very slowly) on a version that will be easier to improve, and it may provide real-time video game driving thatwill enable better reverse modeling. You will find that in short order the vehicle does a jack-knife and heads forward. Simply turn your vehicle around at the start of the path. I am intrigued by your method of achieving reverse modeling, and I hope it is an encouragement to others.

However, for a reverse turn to the left, the right front tire becomes the outermost tire and the radius of the path of the left front tire has to be reduced by the distance between the two front tires to approximate the radius. Since the path used by the routine is for the left front tire, turns to the right obviously just use the minimum turn radius for the outermost front tire as shown in AASHTO's Green Book. Templates proved to be useless so I did a search and found Turn.lsp. A couple of months ago I was trying to model a path for a rather complicated turn for a WB-62 which involved a bit of weaving with a reverse curve along the path. First of all, a GREAT BIG THANKS for this excellent LISP Routine. Tom Haws 15:29, 28 September 2008 (UTC) Reverse Curves, Turning in Reverse, Overhang Paths I don't know when we will get to that, but it's certainly on my mind.

Also, it would be nice to link up a DXF or DWG file with some blocks already defined. One enhancement would be to be able to go in reverse as the newer versions of AutoTurn can do. If you want to use the National CAD Standard then I would use something like C-ROAD-TURN-? or C-ALGN-TURN-?. I did get the script to draw a vehicle and place that along an alignment.